Light at the end of the tunnel

So my mold escapade is coming to a close with a couple of hitches along the way. The contractor employed for the reconstruction of my bedroom walls balked at repainting the rooms entirely. For what reason? He underbid the job and is trying to cut corners on anything he can. So for the "additional work" of repainting the rooms, he wanted $950 including painting the trim for 500 square feet!! One can mke the argument that my request to use different colors would add to his expenses and painting an additional wall or two would add to manpower; however, it doesn't add up to the amount he wanted. (And I'm not in the mood to pay that kind of money out of pocket.) So after a lengthly discussion with the paying party, we decided to let him just prime the rooms to where he thinks he should and someone else would come in to paint.

When I came in yesterday to look at the rooms, he pretty much primed 1/2 to 3/4 of both bedrooms. I can't imagine how he could make the argument that he needed an additional $1K to paint the remaining walls.....

Bedroom 1, the north and east wall

Bedroom 1, the north and west wall (closet)

Bedroom 2, the east and north wall

Bedroom 2, the west wall and the south wall (closet)

Hired a couple of Home Depot groupies and was able to completely paint the bedrooms for around $400. After the work, alot of my frustrations left as I looked around the completed rooms. I liked the change in colors and the prospect of moving and sleeping in my bed on Sunday night is a pleasant thought.....


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