Montreal - NAFSA

So I went for a week in May to Montreal. It was for an International Educators conference. I had two purposes. One - professional networking and possibly move into another part of higher education. (For those who know me, I'm always looking :p ) Two - my half sister lives in Montreal. Now, this is going to be confusing but she is also Betty and I will refer to her as SM from here on out. SM stands for Suong Mai - her vietnamese name.

The only other common trait we share besides our name is the fact that she doesn't like to have her picture taken. There were many attempts to get this is an example of a failed one....

Anyways, I was at the Hilton. Suprise, suprise. Nice hotel in Old Montreal area. I liked the TV.

I'm impressed that they've upgraded the TVs to flat panel. I had a passing thought about stealing it but I didn't think I'd make it past customs. :)

I found the oddest thing in the hotel lounge area. Whipped honey. I always thought honey was a liquid food item. Apparently it can be solid like butter....

Of course, I went through Chinatown. Very small area north of the convention center.

I was suprised to see the number of Vietnamese restaurants. And they all say "Fine Vietnamese dining."

I visited McGill University. There could have been a time in my life where I would have wanted to go to Montreal to live and study.

I have to admit the school was impressive. I even saw the law school at McGill. An interesting thought occurs to me about recruitment for my current law school. Hmmmm, need to develop this plan more....


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