Toronto - LSAC

The Annual Meeting. This time in Toronto! Many members are disappointed with the location, although I think it is fun. I know, I know, no beach or pool for the East Coasters. Water and sun is overrated anways.

Although the conference hotel is in the Fairmont, I have decided to stay at the Hilton. Hee. I do know there is a group of hardcore Marriott whores staying at the Renaissance nearby. The only cool thing about the Renaissance is that it overlooks the baseball stadium. I think the Red Sox played this week.

I didn't get in touch with my half-brother, Jimmy, in Montreal. So we're gonna see if we can see each other in Toronto. He lives in Ottawa but his fiancee, Elise, lives in Toronto. Kill two birds with one stone. Elise is very nice and sweet. I'm glad my brother found someone.

Toronto reminds me of Chicago. Very big, very clean, and lots of people. I've been told it is the "civilized" New York City. Had great food at an Indian restaurant called Trimurtu (sp?) on Queen Street west of John Street and good crepes at Cafe Crepe (also on Queens Street). Cafe Crepe has a to go counter as well as a sit down area.

Well, conference is over. Be seeing everyone next year in Tucson. Now that's a city I could do without for a conference....


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