Chiang Mai Day 1

Tried to recover the day as much as possible with the train delay yesterday. Was able to check in around 2 pm-ish and had the best shower of my life. Actually, the room rates a #1 for best room under $100. I guess being in Asia with a somewhat strong dollar helps too....

Apparently, I look like a local. Everyone keeps talking to me in Thai as if I understand. Kanjanee, lady I met on the train, says I look Chinese and Thailand has alot of ethnic Chinese Thai people. Although, the mosquitoes must think I'm Thai too because I've only been bitten in Vietnam. Ironically, no one in Vientam assumed I can speak Veitnamese.

I think I've been able to learn alot about Thailand's history. This year is the 60th Anniversary of the King's reign. Don't ask me to spell his name. It is also the King's 80th birthday. Chiang Mai is hosting a Royal Flora Expo for 3 months in honor of both occasions. The King's major interests is agriculture and photography. Both are very apparent at the festival. I only got to the festival in the early evening so I caught the nightly performance tribute to the King. I'll probably try to make it back today and see the rest of the festival during daylight hours.


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